
Software product testing

Software product registration and testing is a testing type specially designed for software product VAT rebate policy. It has been continued since the promulgation of "Several Policies for Encouraging the Development of Software Industry and Integrated Circuit Industry" (Guofa [2000] 18) in 2000. With the continuous development and improvement of the VAT rebate policy for software products, the registration and testing of software products are becoming increasingly stringent and standardized.


Software product evaluation

In order to implement the relevant spirit of the State Council to further encourage the development of the software industry, promote the rapid and healthy development of the software industry, continuously promote the improvement of the capabilities of software enterprises, accelerate the self-discipline of the software industry, and help the software enterprises to improve the level of tax-related risk management and control, the Shanghai Software Industry Association will officially launch software enterprises and software products within the scope of the city on January 1, 2016. Evaluation (hereinafter referred to as "double soft evaluation") work.

The application for evaluation and filing of domestic software products shall meet the following requirements:

1. The applicant has the qualification of an enterprise as a legal person;

2. The software product of the applicant is developed in China and has intellectual property rights of the software product.

3. The software products have passed the test of the software testing institutions approved by Shanghai Software Industry Association.

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Company Address:3131 KaiXuan Road, XuHui District, Shanghai,P.R.China